CV brake disc
CV brake disc
The Brake Discs of BREMBO for CV & CVL are from now on available on stock in France
We deal with the importation and the distribution on the French territory
The range is made up of 157 references
70% of the ranges are discs of OE
You also can download the list of KBA numbers (while clicking here)
BREMBO in a few words :
Founded in 1961 in Bergamo, Brembo is currently established on 3 continents, with its production plants in 9 countries and 4700 people in the World, nearly 10% of which work in the Research and Development Dept..
Brembo can envisage future technology, innovation and design, creating a product of total quality: this is achieved through testing and simulations on test benches, on the track and the road.
The turnover in 2006 was 806 Euros million.
Advantages of BREMBO :
Supplier OE of brake system, Public image Premium, Made in HAVE, production 100% integrated, high quality, Brembo Patent on the Pillar Venting technology (PVT)